Berikut data yang saya dapatkan dari sini.
"The current numbers are alarming. The malware industry has published nearly four new viruses per minute in the first half of the year. We expect the two million barrier to be broken in the second half of the year,” says Eddy Willems, G Data’s Security Evangelist. “Attackers are targeting social networks and their members. These are especially profitable targets because of their high number and their interlinked nature. Security vulnerabilities and reoccurring data leaks are making things even easier for criminals.”
Namun, untuk pengguna Sistem Unix (Mac Os, Linux,....) dan sistem yang menggunakan Java tidak perlu khawatir, karena mayoritas Malware ini menyerang OS Windows (99,4%) sedangkan Unix/Java (0,6%).
Sekarang tinggal Anda, memilih yang low virus atau high virus... :D
yang low virus aja ya
BalasHapusYa jelas... :D